Taking gaming forward
KodiakGaming is a collection of gamers and developers working together to create new and exciting games, and play some as well.
Our Games and apps
Slim Chance (beta)
FPS game set in a toy story like environment. Play as a stuffed animal in game modes such as team deathmatch, capture the flag, and domination.
Slim Chance in space
A simple Space Invaders style game. Destroy the enemy ships before they cross the finish line. Get it on google play
slim chance mobile(beta)
Manage a town ran by teddy bears. Give them jobs and keep your tourists happy. Not released yet
Dungeon 5E (beta)
Do you play Dnd? Use this to manage your characters, stats, dice rolls, and player maps.
Don't play Dnd? Play the story mode which uses Dnd rulesets but give you an RPG game feel.